Wind power is one option to consider when researching alternate energy. Wind turbines are available in many designs and sizes. Energy generation ranges from a few watts all the way to 7 + megawatts.

Currently the worlds largest turbine is being installed in Emden, Germany. The Enercon - 126 is a new more sophisticated version of the Enercon - 112 that is rated at 6 megawatts. The Enercon - 126 is also rated at 6 megawatts, but is expected to produce 7 + megawatts. ( 20 million kilowatt hours per year ) This turbine has a rotor blade diameter of 126 meters. ( 413 feet ) It will produce enough power to supply 5,000 homes with 4 family members. The potential for wind power generation is almost unlimited.

Some of the advantages of wind turbines are - the cost of purchasing and installing a wind turbine is about half the cost of a solar installation. There are no harmful emissions. Stronger winds usually prevail in the winter, when extra power is needed most. Wind turbines are well suited for remote applications. Wind turbines provide power during utility power outages. Wind farms add money to the local tax base.

Some of the disadvantages of wind turbines are - Wind turbines require an initial purchase cost that can take some years to gain back. Wind turbines have a visual impact some people do not like. Wind turbines can sometimes be damaged by lightning. The wind does not always blow. This makes wind turbines somewhat unreliable, adding solar energy would help make your installation more independent. Noise from rotors. ( The wind is often louder.) Shadow flicker can be an annoyance. ( Usually only a problem with turbines placed too close to residences. ) Interference with radio and television reception. ( This can be helped with filters in reception lines.)

Wind turbines can be grid tie, ( Connected to work with local utilities ) or use batteries for energy storage. There are also systems available to use batteries and grid tie together. When considering alternate energy, remember wind turbines and solar electric generators can be used together. These systems can both feed a grid tie system, batteries, or both combined.

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